
Leah was born on 15th June 2011 at 3.37am. She weighed 2.205kg. Here are some photos of her growth.

Leah under the UV light...

1 month old

2 months old

Leah discovers her hands...

3 months old

Rolling on her tummy now...

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old

8 months old

9 months old

10 months old

11 months old

1 year old
Leah's first birthday cake...

13 months old

14 months old

15 months old

16 months old

17 months old

18 months old

19 months old

20 months old

2 years old
Leah's second birthday cake...

Picture taken in April 2014...

2 years and 10 months old...

3 years old
Leah's third birthday cake...

Leah opening her presents from mummy, daddy, Lauren and English grandparents...

Blowing the candle...

Leah cutting her cake...

Thank you for coming everyone!!

4 years old
Leah's fourth birthday cakes...

Princess Anna cake...

Leah's presents from us...

We celebrated her 4th birthday in Kuching with Fie's family...

5 years old
Leah's fifth birthday cakes...

Leah's present from us...

6 years old
Leah's sixth birthday cakes...

Leah's Baskin Robbins cake...

Leah's cake during her birthday party...

7 years old
Leah's seventh birthday cake...

8 years old
Leah's eighth birthday cakes...

Leah was baptised on her 8th birthday...

Leah and her friends during her 8th birthday party...

Leah and her presents...

9 years old
Leah's ninth birthday cakes...

Just us four this year... thank you COVID-19!

A birthday pool party...

Not many presents this year but it's ok!

10 years old
Leah's tenth birthday cake...

Just us four again this year... Thank you COVID-19!

Our online guests... Thank you for "coming" guys!

Leah with her presents...

11 years old
Leah's eleventh birthday cake...

Leah and her friends..

Leah and her new bicycle...

12 years old
Leah's twelfth birthday cake...

Leah and her friends...

Leah and her presents...